The Red Sweater?

6/01/2016 09:00:00 am

Heeey y'all?
Happy new month and Happy Madaraka day to my fellow Kenyans. There's nothing better than a public holiday falling mid week, its like life is finally on your side saying "just this once I'll shorten your school/work days, so be more productive" and I'm here like yaaaaaaasssss totally sleeping in and binge watching Supernatural. No? Let's build our country, yaaay. Buuuut remember to stay safe today, thank God for Kenya's Independence and pray for her(Kenya) as well. You surely know we need all the prayers we can get. God bless Kenya (fist pump the air!!)

BTW I'm I the only one who gets completely hooked/addicted to games? You breath,eat and sleep it? (well not literally). Some will refuse, esp guys, when it comes to FIFA, total defense mode occurs once you mention addiction (experienced it first hand). but yeah, have you ever? I'm actually going through such a phase right now and you wouldn't guess which game I'm talking about.Although I don't know if you could it a game, you tell me. Buuut the "game" is Crossword puzzles. Yes laugh/scoff all you want,we've already established I'm weird.
I've always been a fan but sometime last week I was in an office reception waiting and there were old newspapers sitting there, mocking me, so I took one and began filling up the crossword puzzle section, I think it awoke sth within me and I've probably filled more than 100 crossword puzzles and its been only a week (I found a website with 40K puzzles and that was the end of me). Is there a rehab for these kind of things like an Alcoholic Anonymous for Crossword puzzles addicts? Help me!!
The plus side is that now I have expanded my vocab. Yaay I guess?

Onto thee outfit; In addition to my red coat, I got this long red sleeveless sweater with black details (I should totally take my thrift dealer out for lunch for these amazing pieces)  need I say more of how much I love it? I don't think so, It speaks for itself. I wore it with a lacy top with black straight pants and red platform ankle boot heels (not so hell). Plated two messy messy cornrows and did a red sorta ombre lips (I should get me a glam team. Tsk).
Hope you enjoy this look and have yourselves a happy new month.



                                                                      OUTFIT DETAILS.
                                                              Red sweater.................. thrift
                                                              Black pants.................. WBC
                                                              Lace top........................ thrift

                                                              Red Platform heels....... Toi Market
                                                              Envelope bag................ BS
                                                              Lipstick......................... Signature NO. 109+
                                                                                                          black mac lip liner 

PS; This shoot was done later in the afternoon, so my face looks weird due to the flash.

Until Next Time,

Just Muthoni.

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